This was my ninth attendance of NSSF's SHOT Show. For me the show is more about networking; making contact with companies that need some face time, catching up with old friends, and making new ones. That sounds like a simple thing to accomplish, but mix in 54,000 people and over 2,800 exhibitors spread across 18 acres and I think you can understand how no one gets to see everything. Just lining the booths up end to end would be nearly 14 miles! Now toss in $8 bottles of water and $24 sanwhiches that ensure all but the wealthiest are dehydrated and malnurished and we end up with an intense week that often leaves one wondering what just happened.
This year, as always, I didn't get to check everything off my list, but also discovered some unexpected surprises. Below are some highlights alphabetized by manufacturer with Photos from the Beretta Range Day, SHOT Range Day, and SHOT show floor. Coverage incluldes Beretta, Bersa, BUL Armory, Canik, Devil Dog Concepts, Falco Holsters, Fusion Firearms / Ermox, HK, Hyperion Munitions, Kimber, KOR, LTT, Pelican, PTR, Ruger, Taurs, Taylor Freelance, and Tisas.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to Beretta's range day which took place the day before the Industry Day at the Range. This private event let us focus solely on Beretta products. While there weren't any "new" handguns models for me to try, I did get to try out the little 80X model which I previously hadn't shot.

The Beretta 80X is a nice shooter and I could see it serving someone who didn't want 9mm well. The weeight and shape made it easy to shoot though the 380 round definitely delivered less energy on steel.

Bersa had a new doublestack 1911 on display that appears to be quite promising. The American-made MX21 is beautifully built. just like the B1911 previously reviewed but with all the features shooters are asking for in 2025. Pricing is set to be below the popular Prodigy, but from what I can tell this is a nicer pistol.
The much-anticipated doublestack BP pistol covered at SHOT 2024 is also expected to become available this year.
BUL Armory

BUL Armory had the new TAC Comp on display. The fit was so smooth it could only be seen by the oil sweating out along the seams. Also of note for new-to-1911 shooters and those with meaty hands are the shielded safeties. These should help reduce thumb-to-slide contact, and in the case of the TAC Comp, will reduce the risk of malfunctions as barrel-mounted comps like this eat up more energy that the gun would normally use to cycle. With the raise in popularity of such builds so comes shooters who may not have the ideal form or know enough about ammo selection to get the most out of them. Consider higher-energy ammunition from our guide here to not only ensure reliability, but also give that port more gass for extra compensation.

BUL Armory also had the new Axe line on display. The line has been simplified and homogenized to make picking the right trim easier. After all, isn't "simple" why folks gravitate to a striker-fired gun in the first place?

Canik's METE MC9 Prime we mentioned earlier via the press release of course drew lots of attention. Shown in the image above is also the new Mecanik enclosed and solar optic which matches up perfrectly on this slim pistol. Ports on the MC9 Prime appear tasteful, and the slide has been lightened which should also reduce felt recoil.

What I didn't gather from that initial press release, and really couldn't know until I held the MC9 Prime was how different the grip is. This model is not just a sexy slide and ported barrel, but also has a new texture that somehow feels both slimmer and grippier in hand. Also note the removable magazine well.
Devil Dog Concepts

Devil Dog Concepts makes a side-charging conversion kit for ARs. I reviewed an early model sometime around 2016. Unfortunately that was one of the many video YouTube has deleted over the years and was before I duplicated everything on Rumble. In the time since then Devil Dog Concpets has improved the design to work on almost any AR upper (previously it had to be milspec) as well as integrated fulding handles and other options to make this work for just about anyone.

What I value about the side charging conversion is the utility it adds to an AR. It's much easier to chamber check or rack the gun, especially from positions other than standing. On a bench or prone it's ideal, but of course is also fully functional while standing. I don't do much rifle content anymore, but this is one upgrade that adds some utility for those who are tired of the awkward charging system of the traditional AR.

Falco is one of my favorite holster makers. I try not to talk about holsters much because I believe they are a very personal preference. What you carry, where on the body, your body shape, clothing type, and comfort threshold are all reasons why I feel most holster recommendations are BS. They're simply something you have to try, and what you like one year may not be the same the next, a make and model that worked perfectly with one gun may not with another.
What I like about Falco is that they make or will make just about any holster design you can think of for almost every handgun I've encountered. Even if it's not listed on their website, if you contact them I bet they have a solution.

One of the new models that caught my eye was a new take on hybrid holsters. Traditionally hybid holsters use leather on the body side for comfort and Kydex or Boltaron on the outside to locate the firearm. The problem with these is as the leather relaxes the fit becomes looser and looser. Falco's solution is that the part of the holster that engages the firearm is all Kydex, the rest is leather for comfort. The end result should be a holster with the comfort of leather AND the engagement/security of a Kydex holster.
Fusion Firearms

The importers of the Ermox X-Fire (newer generation than what I've reviewed) and XP Pro had quite a bit to show off. Seen above are new G10 grip modules for the XP Pro. This should satisfy those looking for more grip, as well as lighten the gun a bit. The change in weight balance will be interesting to experiment with.
Fusion Firearms also had the next generation of the X-Fire on hand. Somehow I failed to take a picture but immediately noticed a change to tang gemoetry that felt great. A GBGuns review of the update, including insight as to what's different should be coming soon.

I praised the smarlty-extended slide lever on the XP Pro as friendly to smaller-handed shooters, those new to the 1911 manual of arms, and a way of being different. Of course you can't please everyone and apparently some folks wanted something shorter. Fusion Firearms heard that and now has shorter options available for those who have either only shot 1911s or have such long fingers or such a grip that they were preventing slide lock.

Heckler & Koch is a company I've historically ignored because, until just recently they had shown or expressed a lack of true interest in the US consumer market. They are quality firearms, but I don't put much faith in companies that don't put faith in me. In the last couplke of years we've seen a shift with American consumer-oriented products like the SP5 and now the CC9.

When the CC9 came out many said it was "too late" to the already-crowded micro compact market and I feel the gun was somewhat dismissed as simply a micro compact for the die-hard HK fans. Have now had the chance to handle and shoot the CC9 I was very impressed with the ergonomics and mild shooting characteristics. I do not know what ammunition was being used, but this was one of very few micro compacts I would consider enjoyable to shoot. If the Patrons vote for it, there may be a GBGuns review coming.
Hyperion Munitions

Hyperion Munitions has not appeared on the channel before despite the wide array of ammunition used in What's For Dinner tests, but it wasn't their ammo that caught my eye. I don't have much information about this Rapax pistol, but it appears to be another variant of the Arsenal / American Precision Firearms Strike One and PTR / Archon Type B "fast action" pistols that we've seen come and go from the US market. This variant differs in that it has a metal frame and removable wrap-around grips.
I'm a big fan of this action type and while metal-frame pistols tend to transfer more vibration and recoil to the shooter's hand, there's not much recoil in this action type to transfer. As long as it's sprung correctly, or the shooter finds the right load this could be an incredible pistol to shoot. Note that it is also optics-ready, but needs an on-top-of-the-slide plate. That does make it look like an afterthough, but these pistols have such short slides that I'm not sure another method could work.

Kimber had a nice variety at Range Day including the 2K11, KDS9C, and CDS9C. All three of them shot well for the limited amount of time I got with each one. It's impressive how the little bit of extra weight a metal frame adds can make smaller guns more enjoyable to shoot. I know that in daily carry ounces = pounds, but unless you spend all day on your feet does it matter that much? All three are higher-priced guns, but I will do my best to get my hands on one of them for review. Patrons, I'm once again calling on you to decide direction.


KOR, the makers of the FX-9 RP reviewed recently had the AG-9 RP on display. This model appears to be very similar, but the grip offered more traction and felt great in hand. I know the KOR name isn't well-known yet in the US, but neither was Canik at one point. It's been my experience after reviewing two models from KOR (also known as AHSS) that these are solid guns and currently on the market for a good price. See the above linked article if you're not familiar with the brand. They've also been quick to respond to consumer feedback.
Langdon Tactical Technology

Langdon Tactical Technology, or "LTT" was at the Beretta range day as they deserved to be, being largely responsible for the revival of the 92 series platform as well as shedding light on the potential of the PX4 Storm platform. In fact, the LTT-enhanced PX4 was the inspiration behin the PX4 G SD reviewed recently which carres some of the LTT enhancements.
The LTT models did not disappoint on the range and were a joy to shoot, just as the opportunity to say hello to Aimee and Ernest Langdon is always a joy. I wish LTT-enhanced models were more readily available because they shoot like a completely different gun than the models they are based off of and it's something you really have to experience to believe.

Pelican has officially done what I've known a few industry professionals to have already tried: turn Pelican cases into luggage! Sure they're not the lightest, but they are likely the toughest piece of luggage you could toss your travel wares into. The non-tactical colors are also appreciated because "professional" looking pelican cases on the converyer belt certainly must scream to thieves, "something valuable, maybe a firearm" is in here. There's a reason federal law prohibits airlines and airports from externally marking luggage that contains a firearm. Now if only we could get PDX to abide by that I could travel more safely without a giant target painted on me when I pick up my bags.

Pelican also had some hard shell bags on display that in more civilianb colors might make for a great option. The term "hard shell" gets used a lot. To clarify these are not "hard", I think "structured" is a better term as the walls are apt to protect against bumps, but not as hard as a true "hard case".

PTR has only briefly appeared on the channel in the form of a PTR-32 I bought and had mixed feelings about. PTR makes HK-style roller-locked rifles and pistols which I consider a must-experience for anyone who appreciates different designs. The recoil impulse to me feels stretched. That is to say rather than an instantaneous thump there is an elongated push. After a couple of rounds fired it becomes very easy to control the rifle and if not for the HK trigger design one would find themselves wanting to shoot continually faster.
This new model is in 5.56x45mm and accepts standard USGI STANAG pattern magazines. That's a big deal if you like to have a plentiful magazine supply.

Ruger's RXM (Don't pronounce that name in mixed company) was something I had to try after seeing the wave of influencer reviews. I'm still confused how those influencers see this as a "Glock Clone" when it's a chassis gun. Yes, it accepts some Glock parts, but otherwise it's closer to an Arex Delta or Sig P320.
The grip felt good in hand, still a bit short for my banana hands, but understandable. The trigger wasn't good or bad, but this was the only pistol I fired that day that I missed with. To be fair it may have been the optic. I didn't have time to stick around and see if anyone had any issues.

Taurus was a booth I had to stop by to handle the new GX2. It feels like what one might expect, an "X" version of the classic G2C, but the new ergonomics Taurus is using make it feel very comfrotable comfortable in hand. I'd be curious to range review this in the future if the Patrons support the idea.
Taylor Freelance

Taylor Freelance is a household name int he competition world for their magazine extensions, grips, and magazine wells. What caught my attention was this extended backstrap for the Canik METE MC9. By extending slightly lower than stock this backstrap give the hand a little more to support the gun with, and adds an index point during reloading. If you've seen many of my tabletop videos you know I'm a fan of features like this. They also had their line of brass grips and backstraps on display; a simply trick to add non-reciprocating weight to the gun for steadier shooting.
Tisas USA

Tisas has a few new models and variants coming including this ported model. While ports mean watching out for plated bullets, they don't interfere with the natural operation of the pistol like compensators do. I reviewed the Tisas B9R DS a while back, but never got my hands on one of the MAC (Military Armament Corporation) models until SHOT range day. It shot flat and the extra-wide and flat safety lever was also a comfortable perch for my firing-hand thumb. As a defensive shooter I try to stay away from compensators or ports as we can't predict the position or condition we'll be firing from (for example close retention inside of a vehicle) but I could certainly feel the effectiveness of this port on the range.
That wraps up the interesting things I saw or experienced at SHOT Show 2025. As explained in the introduction there is A LOT to see and do at the show and A LOT of other people trying to do the same. There were other things, but either I didn't have time for a picture or simply didn't have time to get to the booth. Let me know what from this list got your interest and I'll see about getting a sample in for review. Patrons get the final vote.
Did you see anything new from Derya arms? They are suppose to start US production soon.
I picked up an RXM cheap at a local show from a vendor. For us small hands people it’s a really nice option
I like the idea of the Bersa and the Mac but I'm probably buying the MC9 Prime.
Any news on Ranger Arms? Thanks for your updates!
Great write up, thank you Graham. Wow, nothing new from Grand Power though, huh? Was hoping at least for some different frame color offerings in the K and Q series pistols!