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SHOT 2024 Coverage

Writer's picture: Graham BaatesGraham Baates

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SHOT Show 2024

Although I've attended SHOT since 2016 I rarely provide any coverage of the show. That's for various reasons, empty promises and poor filming conditions among them. Aside from the lighting, noise, and crowds making most videos terrible, many of the things shown at SHOT are "released Q3/Q4" meaning the earliest we can expect them on the market is nine months later, if that year, or ever.

"Vaporware" as It's come to be known is a major frustration. Sometimes it's a publicity stunt, other times unexpected delays pop up, but one way or another it's not uncommon for that hot new thing at SHOT to either never be seen in the wild, or not seen until it's already been forgotten.

This year I intend to use this post like a living document, updating as the show goes on with things that I think are interesting AND believe will come to market sooner than later. Please have faith in my years of experience and lack of financial incentive to provide you with the truest of show reporting I can. Below you'll see and interesting infographic that helps explain just how massive the show is, beneath that I'll post pictures and information about what I find at the show. If there's something specific you want to see or want more information on please comment as soon as possible and I'll do my best to get that information.

Industry Day At the Range

This event is separate from SHOT and requires invitation for media to attend. In the past it was a madhouse, crowded and noisy with long lines to wait in to try five rounds through the latest thing. In recent years it's become interesting because there are companies at this event who may not have a booth at the main show. Having something at Range Day also means the product has to function. Below are things of note that I tried out and hope to be able to review in full for you later. Better photos and more complete information will come with future full reviews.

SIM-X Ammunition
SIM-X Ammunition

SIM-X Ammunition: This is one that Teya found last year at the main show. These are super lightweight, high-velocity frangible rounds. The 9mm round is only 40gr. As we discussed in the article on Liberty Ammunition, the concept here is to carry less weight, have more muzzle energy, and less recoil. Today I shot some of it and was impressed with the soft recoil in comparison to stnadard 115gr.

Hammerli stright-pull bolt action.
Hammerli stright-pull bolt action.

Hammerli a Walther family brand has a straight-pull takedown rifle that I found surprisingly interesting. The takedown procedure is very simple and while the rifle will launch in .22lr there will be .22 Magnum conversions. It uses 10/22 magazines, has a threaded barrel, and a whole host of fun features that will likely make this a great plinker. The stock has an adjustable length of pull and a reversible cheek rest for height adjustment. The whole package is very lightweight. MSRP will be around $500

Next generation Archon
Next generation Archon

The Archon Type B is back, now imported by PTR. This next generation of the design features enhanced texture and an alterable grip which permits for different back straps and a different length of grip to effectively make the pistol a compact or full-size frame. I've covered the Archon and its cousin Strike One several times and like the action type and overall design. This looks to be a good update. I believe the new version is also optics ready.

SDS Imports Tisas PX-9 Carry
SDS Imports Tisas PX-9 Carry

Tisas PX-9 Carry brings the excellent PX-9 to a more carryable compact size. I was able to put a magazine through it and found it just as comfortable and the trigger as nice as the other PX-9 models you've seen us review. This was just one of a several new models by TIsas that will be available soon. This model is alreaady shipping to dealers which means we should be able to hope for a review soon. See the review of PX-9 Gen 3 Tactical TH HERE for an idea of where this pistol is coming from.

Tisas Doublestack 1911
Tisas Doublestack 1911

Tisas Doublestack 1911s! Yes they're here, and available soon. The one pictured is in Nigh Stalker trim like the single stack reviewed HERE. Multipl calibers and configurations were shown, all of them having that Tisas "great for the money" fit and finish without demanding too much from the owner.

New Solar EAA Far Dot
New Solar EAA Far Dot

EAA has a beefed-up Far Dot now with solar power that will be available. Similar to the Far Dot that was seen in the Girsan Witness 2311 review it doesn't look like much, but I have yet to have a Far Dot fail on me. These dots are included with some EAA pistols so the price is right. For the price of "free" there's no reason to not try it out, if oyu don't like it replace it, but you're not out any money to start.


I blame my media peers for some of the sourness consumers have about SHOT announcements. In an effort to get the scoop and be first with anything about anything they share cool things seen. What seems to be forgotten by media permitted into SHOT, and never explained to consumers is that SHOT is not a conusmer show. The shot exists for manufacturers to gain orders. Sometimes that includes products that are not entirely ready. Be it that the pre-orders finance the completion of a project, or maybe that the orders (or lack thereof) help a manufacturer decide if it's worth completing. With that in mind, I've done my best to only show things that I believe will be available in the year 2024.

Hand-fit grips for the Girsan 2311 and other "2011" models.
Hand-fit grips for the Girsan 2311 and other "2011" models.

A used molding kit cooling before it will be scanned and a grip 3D printed.
A used molding kit cooling before it will be scanned and a grip 3D printed.

EAA and Cosaint Arms continue their collaborations. Cosaint Arms has some VERY nice tuned up versions of the Girsan 2311 reviewed HERE that, with after the cost of the gun and custom work, remain more affordable than many factory options while matching or beating performance. Also on display was the pictured new custom grip system for the Girsan 2311 and most "2011" platforms. They will ship you a kit, you heat the "grip" in hot water for a few moments, then grip firmly and let it cool. After the grip is sent back to Cosaint Arms it is 3D scanned and then printed in the color and texture of your choice. The end result is a truly custom grip module. Cost is likely to be around $400 which is not "cheap" but after holding one made for a hand similar to mine I was very impressed.

GrovTec Rail Wrap
GrovTec Rail Wrap

GrovTec has added FDE and MultiCam Black to their rail wraps. This simple product is great for keeping your hand safe on rifles that either vent hot gasses under teh handguard, or for those who went with the low-profile trend only to learn that meant a hot handguard. These don't have any expensive insulative layers like a suppressor wrap would, but are plenty to keep gasses and reasonable heat at bay. The strapping tucks nicely into the rail on top of your handguard for mounting that is sleek and unlikely to slip. More information can be found HERE.

ARMASPEC has afew new parts for handguns coming out including this Rook Mini Comp. The Rook simply replaces your thread protector, but offers some compensation potential. Min comps like the Rook Mini Comp are intended for concealed carry applications where a larger comp would be more difficult to carry, require a special holster, and add more weight to your carry rig. I've not tried the Rook Mini Comp, but to me it looks like a a smart and simple upgrade to replace your standard thread protector. The example photographed hadn't been coated yet; but these are set to be available soon for around $50.

New PSA Daggers in new sizes and calibers.
New PSA Daggers in new sizes and calibers.

Palmetto State Armory had new Dagger models on display in .45acp and 10mm as well as in other form factors. I have never been one of PSA's "influencers", but have purchased a Dagger and second Dagger slide for review. If our Patrons want to see one of thse models once they are released I may purchase one if they become available. As noted in the spec cards, PSA is one of the companies that shows things at SHOT that are not neccesarily coming to market, but might if there is enough demand.

PSA Dagger 45acp
PSA Dagger 45acp

PSA Dagger 10mm
PSA Dagger 10mm

The Daniel Defense revival of the Hudson H9
The Daniel Defense revival of the Hudson H9

Daniel Defense has revived the Hudson H9. The Hudson H9 was an ground-breaking single stack 9mm pistol a few years ago, but at a price manye wouldn't accept at the time, with many promises made (including to have on on GBGuns after I out-shot other media at an event) that were not kept. Hudson, much like the Tucker automobile it was a small company attempting to break into a market dominated by big names, with a product consumers weren't ready for. Hudson went under and left owners and would-be owners wanting year ago. Daniel Defense appears to have bought the design and upgraded/updates it with a rail and optics cut. Despite ther ebeing many staff at the Daniel Defense booth none of them seemed interested in talking to me so I don't have much more information. I'm sure they'll turn to their usual "influencers" for reviews in the future.

Canik has yet another new model, this one a collaboration with Tarant Tactical on a special SFX line. The trigger remains the same, but some styling has been tweaked and a compensator added. I'm betting this makes for a very smooth-shooting gun. Fluting on the barrel is spiraled instead of straight cut and a few other nice touches that we'll cover in a future review. See our Canik Guide for more on existing models. THE TTI Combat model should be available in late spring.

The SAR9 SC looks promising along with the Gen 3 SAR9 models
The SAR9 SC looks promising along with the Gen 3 SAR9 models

SAR USA had a lot to show off including the viewer-requested SC model. This pistol is decked with features including an optics cut and a trigger and slide that look a lot like what Continuous Precision offers for Glocks. Lots of features and updates have been made since our earlier SAR9 reviews, and I learned why the "Gen" numbers seem to skip around. That and other details will hopefully come in an upcoming full review.

Finally a doublestack, optics-ready Kahr
Finally a doublestack, optics-ready Kahr

KAHR ARMS had their new optics-ready doublstack on display. The example was pre-production, with full-production models said to be available this summer. This is a much-needed update to the Kahr line which had previously always been single stack. The new Kahr pistol accepts 365 and Hellcat magazines in addition to Kahr's own. Kahr handguns have been out of media fashion lately due to their single-stack capacity and double action only trigger. While that may not be hip, Kahr pistols I reviewed in the past were nice guns and the double action trigger was smooth and controllable. The new model will have an optional shorter travel trigger.

Forthcoming Bersa BP full size and compact pistols
Forthcoming Bersa BP full size and compact pistols

BIG Bersa News! Bersa had so mich to show it almost feels like a different company. Eye catchers included theh BP line finally getting a doublestack and micro format! The samples shown were early examples, so I won't pass judgement on the trigger feel, but the important thing is the capacity is there, it's optics ready, and looks like the first two models to market will be a 17rd full size (9mm of course) and a 13/15rd micro/compact is size.

The new Bersa BP13 gives us the form factor folks have been waiting for! Optics ready too.
The new Bersa BP13 gives us the form factor folks have been waiting for! Optics ready too.

Bersa is also continuing strong into the AR world with parts. An adjustable gas block as well as two cassette triggers (one adjustable, one non) were on display. The demo non-adjustable trigger felt good. Not crazy light or short, more like a responsible duty-weight trigger with a short reset. Suppressors are also coming from Bersa and all of the parts are made by Bersa in Georgia, not a white lable like so many other companies offer.

Bersa extends their AR line with triggers, suppressors, adjustable gas blocks, and muzzle devices.
Bersa extends their AR line with triggers, suppressors, adjustable gas blocks, and muzzle devices.

Bersa is also getting into 1911s with six finishes at launch. The appeared and felt to be well made guns and, in keeping with Bersa's branding, said to be coming to market at a competitiove price for a US-made 1911.

Bersa 1911s will be available in six finishes.
Bersa 1911s will be available in six finishes.

Caracal has the Enhanced F of course, but is also bringing some doublestack 1911s to market soon. Various sizes and options on display, we'll wait to see what hits the market before getting too involved in specs. These will be available in full size and compact, and a "race ready" competition model in various colors, finishes, and calibers. MSRP is said to start at $4,560.

Caracal doublstack 1911
Caracal doublstack 1911

Caracal doublstack 1911
Caracal doublstack 1911

More on the Archon: The new models are going to be optics ready and I got a sneak peek at some future extensions of the line. I'm sure you can imagine the directions the gun could go. They've also made some improvemetns to how the guns are made which should help with availability and pricing. I should be able to show more in a couple months.

The new Archon Type Bs are optics ready: a feat considering how little slide there is to work with.
The new Archon Type Bs are optics ready: a feat considering how little slide there is to work with.

The next gen Archon Type B modular grip pannels can clearly be seen.
The next gen Archon Type B modular grip pannels can clearly be seen.

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Jan 29, 2024

GB - about the DD H9, the 'usual influencers' had reviews out while SS24 was still running, reviewing 'pre-release' versions of the pistol and singing its praises, noting that the DD H9 shares only one part with the Hudson and how much time DD took in creating the H9 as a double stack 9mm. Since this is DD's first foray into the pistol market, I wasn't greatly surprised at the $1300 MSRP, but I don't want one that badly. I'm still considering a MCP35 PI LW match version at about half the cost, plus a strip of TALON tape for the front of the magwell...

Jan 30, 2024
Replying to

GB - Kind of makes you wonder if the reviewers got 'pre-production' media samples that were hand-tuned for review, yeah? Sadly, that level of hand fitment couldn't be sustained in the production runs, with a few exceptions where the production product was as good as or better than the media samples.


Bill Whitmire
Bill Whitmire
Jan 29, 2024

Thanks for your article… the Tisas & Bersa Companies seem to have a great new lineup!!


Edward Bohlman
Edward Bohlman
Jan 28, 2024

I was very interested in the Tisas PX-9 Carry. I had been thinking about picking up a PX-9 and I found a "SDS PX-9 Carry" with manual safeties online for only $239! So thanks for the heads up. But I was wondering why there was no mention on the new Tisas PX-5.7 pistol in your reporting?

Graham Baates
Graham Baates
Jan 29, 2024
Replying to

Although 5.7x28mm is fun to shoot, I find it generally wasteful. The original intenet for 5.7x28mm required a rifle-length barrel and ammunition not offered to civilians. Anything else is an exspensive version of .22 Magnum in my opinion.


Brad Morin
Brad Morin
Jan 28, 2024

With anyone with questions regarding the Rost Martin/Arex Delta similarities, I came across this comment section post from Rost Martin on ANR Holsters YT channel.


RBMD2020 2A
RBMD2020 2A
Jan 26, 2024

Graham, thanks for sharing the Canik TTI Combat. I would appreciate your reviewing this. I hope to see these ship very soon. If you can obtain more information about the availability dates, we would greatly appreciate it.

Thus far, this is the only pistol on my 2024 Wishlist. My 2023 Wishlist was quite long even after scratching off many from it including Lionheart Industries and Armscor’s RIA 5.0.

The top 3 remaining from 2023 are the Girsan Witness2311, 10mm, 5 in, optics ready, the Arex Zero 2 optics ready, and the Grand Power K100 Mk23.


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