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Selected Ammo Deals (6MAY2022)

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Our friends at True Shot Gun Club are running some ammo deals that we felt were worth sharing. These are affiliate links, your purchase helps support our ability to keep our own ammo supply ready for more videos, but these prices are hard to say no to.

As we've explained here, True Shot Gun Club also offers free shipping for $99/Year with their A-Zone Rewards Program. Make a few orders per year and you'll easily save long-term.


Norma Range & Training 124gr $15.99 per box of 50. We've used this ammunition and found it to be consistent and clean-burning. 1,000rd for $319 here.

Federal American Eagle 124gr $16.32 per box of 50. Good standard range fodder. American Eagle is not always great ammunition, but the pressures of 124gr help ensure reliability (and hit harder on steel if you enjoy shooting steel).

5.56x45mm and .223 Remington

PMC XTAC 5.56x45mm 55gr FMJ $9.56 per box of 20. We've used PMC for years and found it to be reliable. Production quality ranges from excellent to standard range fodder.

PMC Bronze 200rd Battlepack .223 55gr $99.99. These battlepacks are great for long term storage or tossing in a dedicated go-bag setup. Heavy-duty sealed plastic with a handle and shaped well for stacking.

As time goes on, if you've found any deals please share it with us all in the comments!

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