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Something Different for Veteran's Day

Both Teya (Iraq '07-'08) and I (Afghanistan '05-'06, Iraq '08-'09) are veterans. Total Teys served six years and I fifteen. As you can imagine this makes our household rather aware of veteran's challenges and a bit sensitive to some of the ways the industry likes to use the veteran image, causes, and such for marketing. This Veteran's Day I encountered something for the first time that I though deserved sharing.

A company I have never interacted with, never tried the products of, nor herad anything about until now sent out a press release that in observation of Veteran's Day they won't be offering a discount or special sale, rather are locking their website down and using it to redirect folks to mental health resources.

I don't know of many veterans who haven't had mental health issues at one point or another as it can come from multiple sources. It's not just combat scars that plague veterans, there are also thousands who signed up to be protectors of the Constitution only to encounter disgusting corruption and witness those in the highest command positions be little more than greasy politicians willing to break their oath for a career. Even those who never achieved ranks high enough to see that, and never deployed to a combat zone have their own challenges from being a veteran, but not the "hero" they thought they would be. Family separation, a disconnect from mainstream life.

Here's the statement from Beyond:

"BEYOND Clothing is committed to protecting those who protect us. Our website will be "locked" for 24 hours, beginning at Nov 11th at 11:00am EST, as an effort to raise awareness for mental health. Shopping and browsing will be disabled and our site will point towards mental health resources.

There are people in our lives today fighting battles that we cannot see. Please. Take a moment and reach out to a Veteran to remind them they have loved ones in their corner. We’re all in this together. We’re all fighters of the good fight."

Very noble of them. We have no idea what their goods are like quality wise, but has made one of the most noble gestures towards veterans I've seen in a long time.

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Peter Monck
Peter Monck
Nov 11, 2021

Three of my nephews, plus neices' husbands, came back raw and quiet.


Ken Little
Ken Little
Nov 11, 2021

I've lost more friends to suicide and cancer than to enemy action. I am sure I am not alone in that.


Ken Little
Ken Little
Nov 11, 2021

Lost my good friend Brad to suicide just a few months ago. We had stayed in close touch since working together in Afghanistan a decade ago. I had talked to him from Saudi while he was in hospital in the UK after his first attempt and told him he could call me anytime, anywhere. I kept trying to follow up with him after his release, then got the news that his second attempt had been successful. PLEASE, guys, reach out, or at least take the outstretched hand. We want you around!

Graham Baates
Graham Baates
Nov 11, 2021
Replying to

It's an average of 22 veterans a day that take their lives here in the US. It's terrible, and costs more lives than most any other health issue yet most of America ignores it. Unlike WWII which had about 11% of the US population involved, the War on Terror saw less than 0.1% involved, combine that with rampant pop culture and consumerism and it's too easy for Americans to ignore. Thank you for sharing, Brad's memory will remain here as long as we keep this site going.

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